The Ultimate Guide to Reach Vietnam

by nashreenkhatoon
30 minutes read
Ultimate Guide to Reach Vietnam

Welcome, wander lusting traveler! Do you wake up today thinking that it is time to discover more about the unique culture, beauty, and food of Vietnam? This versatile Vietnam travel guide is perfect for all travel enthusiasts aspiring to visit this wonderful Southeast Asian country in 2024. Whether you are looking for a guide on how to get to 

Vietnam, an India to Vietnam tour guide, or simply the best travel guide for Vietnam, this resource will prepare you for a joyful and hiccup-free experience.

In this article, we will explore the travel guide to Vietnam, the Vietnam tour guide from India, and many more things you can do!

Ultimate Guide to Reach Vietnam

Planning Your First Trip to Vietnam

Travelling for the first time in a foreign nation can be macing, but no worries! This Vietnam travel guide  will break down the process into manageable steps:

1. Vietnam climate (best time to visit Vietnam for travellers)


Vietnam has a rather strange climate. Therefore, the time is more appropriate depending on the desired climatic conditions. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Spring (February – April): The climate is delicate, and it’s grand for a walk. However, they would expect crowds to be present, and everything, including food, would be expensive.

Summer (May-August): Hot and humid, it is perfect for sun, sand, and sea enthusiasts. Expect typhoons occasionally, though they do not last as long as those in other countries.

Autumn (September – November): Compared to outdoors, it is less crowded and has appropriate physical conditions for warmth. See the friendly countryside with golden rice terraces in the north.

Winter (December – January): For northern climates, why not trek in cooler temperatures when people are still hungrily consuming brightly-coloured foods? The south continues to be a bit warmer and sunny.

2. Vietnam: A Journey in Time and on Budget (how to plan a trip to Vietnam on a certain amount of money)


Vietnam is comparatively inexpensive; thus, it is ideal for guests who plan to spend a limited budget while on their trip. Here’s a rough estimate:

  • Backpacking: $30-$50 per day
  • Mid-range: $50-$100 per day
  • Luxury: $100+ per day

Guatemala is not costly in terms of accommodation, food, and transport. However, transport costs include fights, other activities, and any other incidental expenses that may arise.

3. Visas and Entry Requirements

Vietnam is one country that will need a visa for most of the nationalities around the world trying to visit the country. The requirements may vary, and the best way to determine what is needed is to contact the nearest Vietnamese embassy or consulate. This paper focuses on the case of India, where one needs an e-visa to enter Vietnam (Travel to Vietnam from India).

4. Packing Essentials

Put on light, economical, and functional wear appropriate for the selected season. Essential items should include warm, comfortable walking shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and a spare mineral water bottle. Vietnam travel guide from India or Vietnam travel guide from India, you should pack a lightweight waterproof coating for the rainy season.

Reaching the Shores of Vietnam

Reaching Vietnam
Reaching Vietnam

Flights: The quickest and most convenient mode of transport is by flight. Indirect flights connecting through neighboring countries can also be arranged, while many direct flights are available from India to Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. Travel to Vietnam (travel to Vietnam) websites have information and reviews regarding prices so that you can compare the prices of these services.

Travel Time: In the meantime, direct flights from India to Vietnam take 4 – 6 hours. What is Vietnam’s air distance from India? This depends on the area of origin, but the flight could be between this duration.

Cost: Flight fares can also fluctuate based on the time of year, type of airline, and, at times, the time at which tickets are booked. Considering all the above-mentioned factors, a round-trip ticket could be ₹20,000 – ₹50,000.

Tips: Most airlines have competitive prices depending on the time of year you intend to travel, meaning that the best prices are obtained from early booking. Use budget airlines if you don’t want to spend much on flights and are willing to travel on longer flights.

By Land (How far is Vietnam from India by train?): It should, however, be understood that, while this is not the typical mode of transport, one can travel from India to Vietnam by bus or by train. But I must point out that this is a rather long and rigorous affair that takes several days and is appropriate for a few tourists.

By Sea: Vietnam can be considered a Southeast Asian cruise stop, and cruise ships sometimes have a Vietnam port of call as part of their Southeast Asian tour. This is good for tourists who do not mind spending to get premium services, but it may not be ideal for Everyone with a different preference on how they want to travel.

Also Read: Best Places to Visit in Vietnam

Once You Arrive:

Getting Around Vietnam:

Getting Around Vietnam
Getting Around Vietnam

Domestic Flights: If the distance within Vietnam is long enough, as you might expect when covering even the country’s medium-sized regions, then taking a domestic flight is much more convenient and not very expensive.

Trains: Vietnam has a relatively efficient railway transport infrastructure that is affordably convenient for getting from one city to the next.

Buses: Buses are probably the cheapest mode of transport in Vietnam, but the trips are relatively long, and there are people all around you.

Motorbikes: Residents always rent motorbikes to ride around the countryside. However, one must ensure that one has an international driver’s license and be careful on the roads.

Exploring Vietnam: Must-See Destinations and Activities



This colourful city is an exciting blend of French colonial buildings, markets, and sights, including the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and the Temple of Literature. On your Vietnam trip, learn more about the captivating traditional water puppet show or taste Vietnam’s most popular street foods.

Ho Chi Minh City:

Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City

This city is alive and vibrant, with never a dull moment in every part of the town. , and Cu Chi Tunnels to glimpse some of the history of warfare in Vietnam. A day visit to the Mekong Delta offers an experience of the lifestyle of the members living near the river.

Ha Long Bay:

Hạ Long Bay
Hạ Long Bay

There is no better way to discover one of the world’s natural wonders as a UNESCO site and of the new seven wonders of nature than through a boat trip on the green waters of Halong Bay, surrounded by incredible limestone peaks. Paddle through secret caves, gaze at beautiful coves & sleep aboard a traditional Chinese junk.

Also Read: Hidden Gems of Vietnam

Hoi An:

Hoi An
Hoi An

This beautiful historic city is on the Association of World Heritage site list and is perhaps most known for its ubiquitous bright filament lights and buildings that have successfully retained their medieval or Renaissance facades. Take a leisurely walk through the Old Quarter, shop around for a well-fitted suit at suit shops, or even hire a boat and take an interesting cruise through the Thu Bon River.



Known for its rich royal history, Hue was once the imperial capital of Vietnam. It is located in central Vietnam, along the southern bank of the Perfume River. Visit The Forbidden Citadel, a royal palace and a lifestyle opportunity to tour the royal tombs and stunning Buddhist pagodas dotted around the city.



Sapa also offers captivating views of endless rice paddy terraced fields for nature and trek-lovers. After discovering Sapa, take nice treks through the stunning terrain and the beautiful villages of the colourful hill tribes, as well as the great vista of Fansipan Mountain, the roof of Vietnam.

Phu Quoc Island:

Phu Quoc Island
Phu Quoc Island

With clear waters, healthy coral reefs, and snow-white beaches, this is one of the most extraordinary tropical destinations in the region. Sunbathe on the stunning white sand beaches, indulge in the colourful markets, and have the time of your life with snorkelling and diving.

Nha Trang:

Nha Trang
Nha Trang

Tourism is well-developed, and Nha Trang boasts stunning beaches and tourism infrastructures, such as seaside resorts. Stroll along the sandy beaches, go for a boat ride to explore the nearby islands or pay a visit to the historic setting of the Po Nagar Cham Towers.

Also Read: Stuffs to do in Vietnam

Beyond the Tourist Trail:

Ha Giang Loop
Ha Giang Loop

Vietnam retains beautiful but lesser-known surprises for travellers who are willing to look past mass tourism. Witness the spellbinding natural beauty of Ha Giang Loop motorbike tours through the mountain centerpiece.

Visit and trek in Phong Nha-Ke Bang, a national park that boasts the largest cave systems in the world. Take a wooden boat trip around the Perfume River in Mi Son Festival, Hoi An, which is lit with many shades of lanterns at night. I recommend a keen interest in ethnic minority culture in the Central Highlands.

Essential Tips for a Smooth Trip to Vietnam

vietnam market
vietnam market

•Learn some basic Vietnamese phrases: Simple politeness and basic vocabulary will always help you make your trip a lot more pleasant and gain the respect of the people you meet.

•Bargain at markets: Like haggling, bargaining is prevalent in Vietnam, primarily in markets. Other forms of bargaining comprise Hussein bargaining, HR bargaining, service bargaining, creative bargaining, and Gallup bargaining.

Some things you may consider obvious might be precious as you plan a trip to Vietnam. Here are some essential tips.

•Bargain at markets: When you are planning to make a purchase, do some initial homework so that you get a basic idea of how much you should expect to pay for the product/service

•Respect local customs: Temple and pagoda: Wear appropriate clothes to avoid being a sight attraction that displaces the main attraction in the temple or pagoda – the Buddha statues and images. Some rules are easy to break, but in religious places such as mosques or temples, ensure you do not wear shoes. Low levels of noise and avoiding behaviors such as kissing and hugging to keep physical contact to a minimum.

•Tipping is not mandatory: Tipping is not required in Vietnam, but customers always like to tip if they are satisfied with the services provided to them.

•Download a translation app: If you do not know Vietnamese, a translation app might help you have a conversation with a local.

•Stay hydrated: Take as much bottled water as possible, particularly if you are working in a very hot and humid environment. Avoid tap water.

•Be mindful of scams: Sometimes, it is possible to fall victim to petty frauds, especially if the tourist is in areas where locals are more likely to practice such things. Stay alert to accompanying strangers, and do not engage in the purchase and sale of goods with people in the black market. Be loyal to your vendors and the money changer.

•Travel insurance is recommended: This is because, in any project, there are times when you encounter events that you did not plan for or anticipate. Travel insurance reduces worry and may include any emergency treatment during the vacation, cancelling the trip and not getting a refund for losing baggage.


Vietnam Adventure: Your Dream Vietnam Adventure Awaits. Vietnam is a perfect holiday destination, offering remarkable views, historical sightseeing, and cultural experiences. With this extensive and detailed guide, you can now have the knowledge and tools to plan your perfect holiday getaway. Secure your first visit to Vietnam (Plan Your First Trip to Vietnam) by carefully following the guide on how to get to Vietnam from India (Vietnam tour guide from India).

So, prepare yourself and your suitcase, take the headphones, and let yourself be captured by Vietnam’s enchantments!

Also Read: Best Time to Visit Vietnam with Family

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best way to travel to Vietnam?

Ideal to visit in Vietnam

It is vital to note that the manner of transport one must use when travelling to Vietnam depends on one’s preference in terms of travel cost, flexibility, and time. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Fast-paced: Domestic flights, which seem to be very common, can also be used when one wants to travel long distances in a shorter period of time.
Budget-friendly: Coaches: Coaches are relatively cheap to use when moving from one city to another, but the journey is long and has to be done in crowded vehicles.
Scenic and relaxed: Travelling by train means comfortably observing the countryside’s views outside the window.
Adventurous: If you are planning to rent a motorbike, this is the best option, as you can tour around wherever you want at your own convenience; however, before doing so, ensure that you have the correct license to operate a motorbike and also be safe on wheels.

2. How much is the distance between Vietnam and India by flight?


Depending on the intensity and direction of the route, the distances can vary significantly; starting points are different cities in India, and final destinations are different cities or regions in Vietnam. However, most of the direct flights are between 4 and 6 hours in the air with an outlay of time that may include stop-overs, ranking it 21st.

3. How far is Vietnam from India by train?  

Reaching Vietnam

As for rail transport, it is important to note that India and Vietnam do not share a train link or any kind of link directly. Road transport would be extremely lengthy and tiresome to undertake by bus or train; it could take between two and three days, depending on the mode of transport, and thus discouraged for most visitors.

4. What is the fastest way to get to Vietnam?

Summer in Vietnam

Air travel is the quickest mode of transportation to Vietnam, and anyone can confirm the beauty of the surrounding natural terrain. Flying time depends on the destination; a direct flight may take 4- 6 hours.

5. Is Vietnam expensive to visit? (Is Vietnam costly to visit?) Is Vietnam cheap for Indians?

Walk Across Golden Hands Bridge in Da Nang

Currently, Vietnam can be said to fall under the cheap category as compared to other countries in the Southeast Asia region. Other expenses, such as meals, lodging, and transportation, are relatively low.

However, it comes down to personal preference regarding how one plans to travel or get around. Hikers and trekkers can spend up to $30-$50 per day, while tourists use costly resources, which may cost as much as $100 per day.

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