College Campus Tourism Clubs to be extended soon to Higher Secondary Level, a decision taken in a joint meeting

by Dibash Sarkar
1 minutes read
College Campus Tourism Clubs to be extended soon to Higher Secondary Level

College Campus Tourism Clubs to be extended soon to Higher Secondary Level, a decision taken in a joint meeting with Shri. P. A. Mohammed Riyas- Minister for Public Works & Tourism Kerala.

In terms of the great success from the tourism clubs on various college campuses across the state, the decision has been taken in a joint meeting to extend the initiative to the higher secondary level and also to scale up the youth participation in numerous tourism-related activities. 

In a joint meeting on Monday, Tourism Minister P A Mohamed Riyas and General Education Minister V Sivankutty decided to set up a high-level official panel to prepare guidelines for the formation of tourism clubs in higher secondary institutions. To initiate, clubs will take many activities in about 25 destinations, like receiving tourists and providing them details about the place they are visiting, and they ensure that green protocols are correctly followed to maintain these destinations. 

These clubs will also organize art and cultural events to enhance the visitors’ experience, and the due members will also look for feedback from those visitors. If they face any issues or hassles, they will be brought to the notice of the concerned authorities.

Minister P A Mohamed Riyas said,

Tourism clubs in college campuses have shown that youth could effectively intervene in improving the quality of tourism and proper upkeep of assets. Extension of the programme to the higher secondary level will help scale up this unique initiative.

Minister P A Mohamed Riyas said in an Interview.

 The minister alleged that this intervention of the campus tourism club members in Akkulam Tourist Village has created a model worth following in other places. Many important works that can be done with a big budget were taken up and completed by the tourism clubs at much less cost, and their interventions also noticed adherence to green protocols and showed how well the place could be kept. 

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The destination guides from these clubs set a high benchmark in getting and guiding tourists The Minister also added that this successful model will be extended to several other places across the state. 

Mr. Riyas added,

Within a short span, this idea has proved to be an upfront initiative in grooming the youth to benefit from immense opportunities awaiting them in the tourism sector”. 

Minister P A Mohamed Riyas said in an Interview.

These tourism clubs also assist students in earning some money while maintaining their academic pursuits. In Akkulam alone, more than 15 students work as part-time guides. These clubs took a significant step and initiative towards entrepreneurial development by organizing workshops aimed at startups in the tourism sector. 

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